You won’t love it everyday

The author describes their love for biking and writing, emphasizing the empowerment they feel in doing something uncommon. They reflect on the realization that loving something doesn't guarantee loving it every day. They draw parallels between their passion for biking and writing, highlighting the occasional challenges they face. Despite this, they believe in persevering for the joy it brings.

Update to Clean Freak

Author Sean Davis writes about his novel Clean Freak going out of print due to a publisher's business model change. He reflects on the book's tumultuous publishing journey and how he coped with related mental health struggles. Davis mentions the hope for future reprints and the opportunity to tell new stories, coming to the realization that his success doesn't hinge on this one book.

An experiment in publishing

Rather than talk about how I developed this story from an idea I jotted in my notebook under the working title, "Mirror Mad," I'm going to go through the thought process behind my decision to publish this story on Kindle myself, and what that process was actually like.